We are pleased to inform you of the following latest news about the progress of implementing Intellectual Property Rights in Myanmar.


The committee members of MIPO held the first meeting in Neipyito Ministry of Commerce on June 3, 2020.


Vice-chairman: U Henery Van Thio, delivered the opening speech as the chairman of the committee.

The committee of Intellectual Property discussed and confirmed the following matters:


1. Establish the Intellectual Property Office.

2. Approval of the establishment of the Ministry of Intellectual Property.

3. Formulate payments and allowances for member of the Central Committee on Intellectual Property of non-governmental personnel.

4. Build an office for the Ministry of Intellectual Property.

5. Plan to implement the Intellectual Property Laws.

6. Approve the start of soft opening in order to accept trademark registration applications in advance.

7. Set the time and period for officially accepting trademark registration.

8. Confirm and publish the regulations related to the trademark law.

9. It stipulates the forms and fees required for trademark applications and the payment procedures.

10. Intellectual property rights at the national level 1 and intellectual property policy.

11. Explain preparations for strategy development.


MIPO will announce the details of the above regulations in due course. Please feel free to contact us! Gold Keen will notify you in time for further information.


Reference source: Intellectual Design Group co., Ltd.